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Fluid Bottle Splash:
Ilorin Description:
Glu3d GPU Fluid Bottle Splash. This fluid fx tutorial has been inspired by several different commercials that have fluid fx in them. In this full length video tutorial you’ll go through the entire process to create this fx. This includes creating the proxy geometry and collision setups. During this tutorial you’ll also get an understanding of the GPU workflow with glu3dGPU edition. At the end of the tutorial you’ll also get a run down on the renders and composite for this fx.
Run Time: 1hr 41min 13sec | HD : 1280 x 720
3 Large video downloads
FumeFX Cache Bar – maxscript
This tutorial explains a basic idea behind the FumeFX Cache Bar maxscript. This allows you to easily version up your fumeFX caches and also hot-swap between them with history.
FumeFX Cache Bar
Download | File Size: 7.65 KB Downloads: 1675
Version: 1.12 | Updated: April 25, 2014
Link & Align Maxscript Tutorial
This tutorial explains the concepts of the script below. Create a tool to align 1 object to another while also linking to that object. Another basic intro to maxscript using a practical example.
Download Now | File Size: 0.40 KB Downloads: 1576
Version: 2.0 | Updated: February 21, 2013
Temp Save Animation Maxscript
Quick video to explain the free maxscript called “Temp Save Animation”. It’s based on the same concept of Edit, Hold, & Fetch except this is only for animated objects. It’s a very handy tool when your playing around with animation. Temporarily save an animation then fetch it.
Download | File Size: 1.64 KB Downloads: 1475
Version: 1.0 | Updated: March 21, 2013
Camera Shake Helper Maxscript
Quick video to explain the free maxscript called “Camera Shake Helper”. Easily setup camera shake on a target camera with great control. Check out the video to see how it works.
Download | File Size: 1.88 KB Downloads: 1431
Version: 1.0 | Updated: April 16, 2013
MassFX Toycar – maxscript
This tutorial explains a basic idea behind a Toycar using MassFX. Then after going through the process I explain how to use the script I’ve made available for download to do that whole process with in just 2 mouse-clicks.
MassFX Toycar
Download | File Size: 6.20 KB Downloads: 1754
Version: 1.0 | Updated: May 2, 2013
3D World Magazine
“While the examples shown may appear very specific to Joe’s own work, there is a huge amount of information to learn here, and the fact the examples are being used in paid jobs proves their effectiveness.”
Justin Mijal | VFX Artist
Thanks for the cloth DVD training. Couldn’t have done work on the feature film “Super 8” without that knowledge!
Shawn Rossi | CD Reaction Studios, Inc.
“Hair 3DS Max Out of the Box, takes a daunting subject and presents it in a clear, concise and easy to follow format. Anyone who needs to use Hair in their next project and needs to get up to speed quickly, should purchase this video tutorial set.”
Vance Miller | Freelance Senior TD/CG Supervisor
“Joe Gunn’s “Cloth Beyond the Character” training DVD shows just how versatile cloth in Max can be. This DVD is a must have for anyone interested in building their skill set and thinking outside the box when it comes to cloth.”
Dan Gregoras | AD/VFX Supervisor
“Joe Gunn’s “Hair 3ds Max..Out of the box” DVD is a must for Max users. He thoroughly breaks down the nuances of Max Hair and Fur allowing for the end user to easily integrate it into a production environment. He also touches on other handy tools that are useful in everyday workflow.et up to speed quickly, should purchase this video tutorial set.”